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Educational activities at the museum, 2013 season

The Lake Orta and Mottarone Ecomuseum offer a variety of educational activities organized by themes and including visits, workshops, and lessons.

Things to See in the Ecomusuem – Territory Discovery Excursions – Workshops – In-Depth Classroom Analysis

A visit to the museum helps patrons understand the operations powered at one time by mills as well as the preciousness of water as a resource and the perspective of the utility of hydro-electric power. Visits include demonstrations and interactive displays. As another option besides the traditional tour, the museum offers a “theatrical visit” in which two actors stage an imaginative and creative reconstruction of the history of wood turning, even inviting the children to take part in the show.

Possibly in conjunction with a creative workshop. We recommend that visitors come during the autumn or spring season.

Primary school classes are welcome.


For more information:

Ecomuseo Cusius, Via Fara, Pettenasco (Novara)

Tel. 0323.89622   mail: ecomuseo@lagodorta.net   sito internet www.lagodorta.net