Visiting the invisible museum
In the OPTICAL-MIND range, a project of the Lake Orta and Mottarone Ecomuseum.
A theatrical visit to the wood turning and art museum with object-recognition games and riddles.
By and with: Franco Acquaviva, Anna Olivero
And if beside, within, and under the Pettenasco Wood Museum there lived creatures that we know nothing about? In some places the boundaries between visible and invisible are so subtle that the difference between the two planes is blurred. The Museum of Art and Wood Turning is so situated between water and subsoil, between past and present; maybe it is one of these places? Your guide Pinuccia, a direct descendent of Pettenasco’s legendary founders, will be able, maybe, to answer this question…
Primary school classes are welcome.
For more information:
Ecomuseo Cusius, Via Fara, Pettenasco (Novara)
Tel. 0323.89622 mail: ecomuseo@lagodorta.net sito internet www.lagodorta.net